7th CPC Salary Calculator

7th CPC (Central Pay Commission) Calculator 7th CPC Salary Calculator Earnings Select Fields Amount Pay Level Select Your Pay LevelLevel-1 (18000-56900) / Grade Pay 1800Level-2 (19900-63200) / Grade Pay 1900Level-3 (21700-69100) / Grade Pay 2000Level-4 (25500-81100) / Grade Pay 2400Level-5 (29200-92300) / Grade Pay 2800Level-6 (35400-112400) / Grade Pay 4200Level-7 (44900-142400) / Grade Pay 4600Level-8 […]

Bulk File Renamer

bulk file renamer 1

Hello friends are you tired of manually renaming multiple files? The Bulk File Renamer Web App is here to help you to streamline the process to mange your files easily. With this Bulk File Renamer tool, you can rename multiple files in bulk. Bulk File Renamer Bulk File Renamer Select Folder Start The Bulk File […]

Text Case Converter

Text Case Converter

Hello friends, are you ever working on a project, then you see that you have to change the case of the text you are writing? Its solution is Text Case Converter, a user-friendly tool that allows you to easily change the case of any text in different options, such as upper, lower, title, sentence, capitalized, […]

Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator by quickalerts.in

The Percentage Calculator is a free, user-friendly online tool for calculating percentages. Whether for managing finances, calculating discounts, or understanding statistics, percentages play a crucial role. PERCENTAGE CALCULATOR Calculate the percentage of any number / amount What is % of ? Calculate Calculate what percentage a number is of another number? is what % of […]